How to Create a Landing Page that Gets Results

If you have something to sell online, you need a solid landing page to attract buyers and win them over. A great landing page will convert browsers to buyers, while a poorly designed one will send those shoppers fleeing.

It is easy to over-complicate the creation of a landing page, and many online sellers do just that. They work so hard on creating the perfect landing page that they end up with a design that is not optimized for the most important person – the customer.

If you want to avoid those mistakes and sell more products, you need to look at your landing page from the perspective of a potential buyer.

Once you take that attitude, creating a landing page becomes a pretty simple matter. Here are some key things to remember when creating a landing page that will get results.

Tout the Benefits, Not the Features

When shoppers look for a product, they want to know how the purchase will benefit them. Too many landing pages devolve into nothing more than lists of features, but focusing on benefits will get you much better results.

Potential buyers do not care how many bells and whistles your product has. They just want to know that the product works, and that it will help them solve a real-world problem. When designing your landing pages, always focus on the benefits of the product, not just its features.

Use a Clean and Simple Design

It is easy to get carried away and create a landing page that is more complicated than it needs to be, but a clean and simple design is almost always better. You can take your cue from the Google homepage, which consists of nothing more than a search box on a clean white background.

You do not have to go that far, but simpler is better when designing your landing pages. It should be easy for potential buyers to see what you have to offer, and even easier for them to buy your product.

End with a Clear Call to Action

No matter how clean and crisp your landing page design, it should end with a solid call to action. The call to action is the most critical part of any landing page, since this is the place where browsers turn into buyers.

The call to action should reiterate and restate the benefits of the product and the great things it can do for the buyer. The call to action is critical, and it should be clear, concise and, above all, persuasive.

No matter what kind of product you have to sell, a solid landing page can be your best friend. Knowing how to create a great landing page will benefit your business enormously, boost your profits and give your online business the jump start it needs.

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About Righteous Wiles

The Team at Righteous Wiles has been helping clients grow to new heights for over 20 years. We offer custom tailored full service digital marketing to small and mid-sized businesses across the United States
